Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Download Instrument Naruto Get Problem (background waktu kena masalah)

Here is I want to share about Naruto Theme Instruments Get Problem. Did you know instrument naruto ? it is an instruments that usually played on a Naruto scene, which made you feel sad, spirit, or imagine something  .. definitely is not opening or ending song .Just take home

  1. A crisis after another
  2. Afraid
  3. Akatsuki-Itachi Theme 
  4. Alone 2
  5. Assault
  6. Avenger
  7. Bad Situation
  8. Bad Situation V2
  9. Confrontation background
  10. Confrontment
  11. Dangerous
  12. Dark Side
  13. Demon
  14. Eerie
  15. Evil
  16. Examination 1
  17. Examination 2
  18. Fake
  19. Gaara's Theme
  20. Glued State 1
  21. Glued State 2
  22. Haku's Theme
  23. Hard Situation 1
  24. Hard Situation 2
  25. Hatred Path
  26. Hatred
  27. Konan's Theme
  28. Must Know
  29. Nervous
  30. Predator 1
  31. Predator 2
  32. Predicament
  33. Preview
  34. Reincarnation
  35. Senya
  36. Shiren
  37. Silent
  38. Sneaking Nightmare
  39. Thinking 1
  40. Thinking 2
  41. Thinking 3
  42. Thunder Break 
  43. Threat
  44. Trapped 1
  45. Trapped 2
  46. Water Drop 1
  47. Water Drop 2

oke that's all, if you wanna request please comment like this example.
example : 342 (16:00-19:00)
then send your comment to: Naruto Instrumental
once again. if link is damaged please comment here

13 komentar:

  1. Nice brow... bagus2 instrumennya.. :)

  2. min yang no. 1 kok gak bisa di download?? katanya "bad way"

  3. Naruto is Masterpiece! My childhood favorite! The greatest anime! It inspired me, made me cry, made me laugh, made me to play, it made me to play piano, it made me to love Japan! With phenomenal story and superb characters! Every personage from "Naruto" has it's own amazing story! Every village has it's kage! I can't explain with few words how great is this anime! It's just another dimension! It will be forever my number 1 favorite movie/serial/animation!

  4. Naruto is Masterpiece! My childhood favorite! The greatest anime! It inspired me, made me cry, made me laugh, made me to play, it made me to play piano, it made me to love Japan! With phenomenal story and superb characters! Every personage from "Naruto" has it's own amazing story! Every village has it's kage! I can't explain with few words how great is this anime! It's just another dimension! It will be forever my number 1 favorite movie/serial/animation!

  5. Ada nggak instrument naruto the movie 5 blood prison?

  6. gan klo instrumen naruto kecil episode 2 yg diakhir episode wktu lgi nasehatin konohamaru ada gx.?
    makasih gan sbelumnya

  7. min apa nama lagu yang di episode 426 (2.14-6.46)??? Terimakasih

    1. Judulnya Madara Chibaku Tensei, cari aja di kategori Unreleased OST. bantu share dan like gan

  8. gan instrrumen 404 00.01 itu apa ?

  9. The Last - Naruto the Movie is a sluggish animated feature that only offers the big milestone fans have been clamoring for between Naruto and Hinata. This feels like it stretches out a thin concept and over complicates it just to make it work.

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